Mario Gabiati
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Since 2015, Mario Gabiati has been giving teachers, professionals, entrepreneurs, and curious individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area access to cutting edge scientific tools in the biological and physical sciences. He does this with the goal of building a robust community and science-powered solutions to problems where people and biology meet.
Microbiology will have a greater impact on our way of life in the next 20 years than microprocessors have had in the last few decades. The unfortunate reality, however, is that our educational system and professional organizations aren't equipped with the proper tools to educate our communities to take advantage of this reality.
By combining the resources of a fully functional microbiology training laboratory with the community and tools of the bay area's premiere electrical hardware development space, Circuit Launch, we can offer truly unique solutions to problems ranging from curriculum development to sustainable landscape design and contracting.
Join our popular fungal exploration group "Mycelial Mass" and check out our discord server here: https://discord.gg/72ejWEyS47, join us for one of our microscopy workshops through the SF Microscopical Society, apply to become a lab resident and move into our lab, or send us an email at Info@mariogabiati.com today to see if we can bring the power of microbiological science to your project.